Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Good bye 2012, Hello 2013!

Well that is a year that I am quite glad to see end.... and yet, I can't help but look back on it and be grateful for all that I have learned.

I have experienced loss. I have faced cancer.

But bigger than that is all the awesomeness that comes with those two things.
I learned who I can count on when I can barely keep my wits about me.
I learned that life has to be lived every moment, even the craptastic ones.
I learned how to reach out for help (okay not as much as I probably should have reached for it, but I took a lot more help than I ever thought I would).
I learned to listen to my body and to my doctors.
I learned to love my husband on a whole new plane. (I love you.... I can't say it enough.)
I learned that there are good people everywhere in this world and sometimes they pop up in the most unlikely of places.
I learned that sometimes you just have to be a mom and nothing else.
I also learned that being a grown-up doesn't mean you don't need your parents.
I learned that sometimes a simple note/text/message/postcard/conversation is really enough to brighten a dark day or a scary moment.
I also learned that being a grown-up doesn't mean you don't need your parents.
I learned exactly how strong I am.
I learned to trust God.

I have met some amazing men and women this year. I have been inspired by them and challenged by them to be a better person.

To those who know me in the real world, I hope you know where you fit in my lessons because you are all there!!!!

So, here is to 2013. The best year yet.