Monday, October 29, 2012

Work (it all feels like work)

Wow. September is over.... Where the hell did it go?!?!?!? I have so much that I meant to get done and so much that I did that I didn't want to do and so much that I enjoyed doing.  Oh crap..... October is over too???????

Cancer update: I am officially done with radiation. I had to do 33 treatments, and they went better than I expected. (I was trying to mentally prepare myself for the horror stories of charring skin and whateverthehell a "wet peel" might mean.) Once again, the people at Oakwood Hospital made the entire experience freakishly enjoyable with their friendly ways and smiling faces. AND it probably helps that have great senses of humor.

So I wish that meant that I am free to enjoy my cancer-free status, but I am a long way to being done with my preventative care.

Ok, I have to give a warning that the next paragraph may be TooMuchInformation for some. Read the purple paragraph only if you have a sense of humor and can appreciate the silver lining in bad situations.

There are some perks to being in the midst of cancer treatments. While being bald is not my idea of fun, I have to admit that being hairless had its ups. I really hate shaving my legs, and having had the perk of not having to do it for 6 months..... well that I might actually say I will miss, a lot. AND being put into medical menopause (and potentially permanently) was supposed to mean no periods, not random insane ones. The kind that remind me that I have to be more understanding of teenage girls and the unpredictability of starting irregularly (which I have never before had a true appreciation for the fear of "everyone can tell").

I will still get my herceptin (estrogen blocker chemo) for the next year. Hopefully, this week I will get approved to go to the every 3 weeks dose instead of the every week dose I am currently on. Tomorrow, I start on my other hormone therapy called tamoxifen, it is an oral med. I will have to take it for 5 years. Slowly the hard stuff is being checked off the list, but with each check mark comes another bit of freedom from this trial.

Thank you for all of your support through this process.