Sunday, April 15, 2012

Bottom of the first hill....

....and I'd like to scream, "STOP the ride I wanna get off!!!"

This morning my hair started to fall out. I have a LOT of hair. Correction, I had a lot of hair. :)

This too shall pass.

Sean, I love you. Thank you for saying the right stuff and meaning it. 

Tonight I will simply say, 
Serenity Prayer- French image, picture by arbycub - Photobucket


  1. Sending a huge hug! Your strength is inspiring - as it always has been, since the day I met you. Carley

  2. You are beautiful with or without hair! Your strength is amazing and I pray for you everyday!

  3. you look gorgeous.... hugs to you and one of my favorite men.. don't miss the kiddies and tell everyone including yourself, Nana Robin loves you!!!!

  4. You look fabulous. Hugs across the blogsphere.


  5. Thank you all!!!! Hugs have been spread and enjoyed!
