A year ago this weekend I found the lump and started on my fantastically miserable awesome scary intense journey. I know it sounds crazy, but I really am starting to believe that there is a silverlining here...
I will start with a cancer update. I had my first follow-up mammogram (the big squish) and all is clear! I have to finish up my herceptin infusions and then will get to have my port removed. I'm thinking that will be the next medical mile marker I am shooting for. All is good in the cancer world.
Back to the fun stuff--the silver lining. I am writing this post from my seat on AirTran flight 18 to Orlando!!! Have you ever watched the SuperBowl? When they win the big game they always get to say, "I'm going to Disney World!!" I think that I have just won the biggest game ever, and I'm tired of waiting for the right moment, enough money, the time off, what ever excuse it is that all parents make for not doing the fun things in life. So, yep, this superstar cancer fighter and the love of her life are taking their kids to Disney for a week.
AND just to be sure that cancer really understands that we are thumbing our noses at it and sticking up our middle fingers (on both hands) and shouting f*&^ you at the top of our lungs, I am really running the Princess Half Marathon. 13.1 miles of cancer ass kicking.
I know that there are a great number of runners who are a part of my support system, and their words of encouragement are in my heart. With a RockMyRun (www.RockMyRun.com) mix ready on my phone, a pink tutu (which may or may not get worn), and my cousin on the course, I will finish this race just so that cancer knows who is the winning player.
(Pilot just said to shut 'em down, so this post is going up before I have proofread..... hope it makes sense and promise to post pictures ASAP)
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